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Blog: This Global Week of Action, we’re asking for IFI Reform

The IFIs and the MDBs are not fit for purpose to be part of the climate finance solution for the climate crisis. We are demanding change.

Off Target: Multilateral Development Banks not aligned with the Paris Agreement

There is no cause for celebration: One year on from their commitment to Paris Alignment, MDBs have collectively poured $17bn directly into fossil fuels.

Letter to the World Bank: One year anniversary of Paris Alignment no cause for celebration amid highest ever fossil fuel consumption

Open letter to the World Bank Group (WBG): it’s been one year since the WBG launched its Paris alignment approach, but civil society organisations remain concerned.   

Statement from Big Shift Global at the close of the African Development Bank Annual Meetings 2024

Big Shift Global Statement: The African Development Bank (AfDB) Annual meetings concluded in Nairobi with a commitment to massively scale-up Africa’s renewable energy generation capacity.

Asian Development Bank AGM - key messages from Big Shift members

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is holding its AGM from the 2nd to 5th May in Tblisi, Georgia. Members and allies of Big Shift are there to ensure messages from civil society urging the Bank to end fossil finance are heard.

Statement from Big Shift Global at the close of the World Bank Spring Meetings 2024

The World Bank Spring Meetings have concluded, and climate finance has been front and centre of discussions, yet evidence suggests that despite big promises, the Bank is continuing to finance fossil fuel projects.

COP28: MDB Reform - a livable planet starts with an end to fossil fuel finance

COP28 signals that the end of the fossil fuel era has begun. For the multilateral development banks (MDBs), the final text reiterates the message that they have a significant role to play in the transition away from fossil fuels.

World Bank President Ajay Banga refuses to receive petition from Civil society

Our joint petition with, signed by over 40,000, outlined priority areas for the World Bank on shifting from fossil fuels to renewables. Big Shift Global members from Don't Gas Africa and Recourse speak on Ajay Banga's refusal to accept the petition. 

Fossil gas phase out commitments missing from World Bank Annual Meetings

11 October, Marrakech - The Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are taking place this week in Marrakech against the backdrop of record breaking temperatures in Morocco  

Blog: World Bank Annuals 2023 - Will Ajay Banga Act on Climate?

At his first Annual Meetings as president, Ajay Banga, has the potential to be a fresh breeze from the previous climate denying president David Malpass.  But Banga must prove himself and the direction of the bank.

African partners and allies respond to outcomes of the Africa Climate Summit

The Africa Climate Summit was the time for urgent and bold action to tackle issues of energy access. Big Shift partners and allies respond to the outcome.

Blog: Political Influence and Impact of the Paris PACT Summit to Phase Out Fossil Gas

The Paris PACT Summit taking place from 22-23 June comes at a critical moment. Global leaders, international institutions, and solidarity actors need to act now to meet the 1.5°C limit and ensure a just transition.

Blog: New President: New Direction on Climate at the World Bank?

In recent years, the World Bank has become a laggard on climate, holding back the process of joint MDB Paris alignment and continuing to pump billions into fossil fuels. Will new President Ajay Banga turn this around?

Blog: Shifting The Narrative: The AfDB must promote clean, sustainable renewable energy access in Africa.

As the AfDB meets for its annual meeting, top of the agenda should be energy access in Africa and ensuring a just energy transition. Gas is not the solution.

Blog: 1.5 to stay alive: the climate is changing but is the World Bank doing enough to truly align with the Paris Agreement?

Almost five years after the MDBs committed to align with the Paris Agreement, in March 2023, the World Bank finally published the instrument notes for their Paris alignment methodology. So far, the Bank’s response to Paris alignment has lacked assurance for many.


Blog: Which way for Climate Action? Missing signposts in the World Bank Group’s Roadmap

The World Bank Group’s (WBG) Roadmap aims to respond to new global challenges. Big Shift member, Recourse asks, how can the roadmap proposal not mention Paris alignment to keep global warming below 1.5C or fossil fuels? 


Big Shift members react to MDB update Paris alignment at COP27

The joint statement by the ten major multilateral development banks (MDBs) released today at COP27 once again missed the mark as it failed to provide specific details on how the MDBs will align their financial flows with a 1.5°C pathway.


Open Letter to MDBs at COP27 on Paris alignment ambition

Open letter from the Big Shift Global Coalition on the 1.5°C pathway: Raising ambition in the Joint Multilateral Development Bank Paris alignment framework


New Big Shift Global Report on World Bank Fossil Fuel Finance

"Investing in Climate Disaster” Report by the Big Shift Global finds World Bank has Given $14.8 Billion to Fossil Fuels Since the Paris Agreement, Largely Under Beleaguered President David Malpass.


Climate groups from around world call on World Bank President David Malpass to be fired

Climate change organisations under the Big Shift Coalition have called on the World Bank to fire its President David Malpass.

Exploding the Myths: World Bank Gas Finance - Event video

Big Shift Global organised a side event on World Bank gas finance as part of the Civil Society Policy Forum during the World Bank Spring Meetings 2022. Watch the recording of the event.

Multilateral Development Banks Absent from Glasgow Pact to Shift Fossil Finance to Renewables Signed by Major Shareholder Governments

At COP26, almost 40 countries and institutions launched a joint statement committing to end direct international public finance for unabated fossil fuels by the end of 2022. As these signatories are also the majority MDB shareholders, MDBs may soon be forced to end their fossil fuel finance. 

Big Shift Global Reaction to Multilateral Development Bank Joint Paris Alignment Statement at COP26

Yesterday afternoon the ten major multilateral development banks (MDBs) published their COP26 statement updating progress towards their joint commitment to Paris Alignment. Though the group of banks first committed in 2017 to a process to align their financial flows with a 1.5°C pathway and later pledged to complete this by 2020, yesterday’s statement provided few new details, posed no limits on fossil fuel support, and left timelines unclear.

Civil society expectations on Paris alignment for MDBs at COP26

As publicly-funded development banks, MDBs should become agents of transformative change, pushing for a green, just and resilient development model. For that, they need to scale up financing for sustainable, green development, help countries in pursuing equitable, low-carbon transitions, and end all support for fossil fuels. 

World Bank drives billions into fossil fuels, including Asia’s largest coal field

A new report by Big Shift member, Urgewald released this week tells the story of how the World Bank’s public assistance is behind the on-going development of Asia’s largest coal field – Pakistan’s Thar coal field and associated new coal power plants.

Civil society organisations react to World Bank Climate Change Action Plan’s failure to end finance for fossil fuels

Today, the World Bank Group released its new Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) for 2021-2025. The CCAP represents a colossal failure to end the Bank’s long-standing support for fossil fuels.

The Bank has also rejected requests from civil society and World Bank shareholders for a public consultation on a full draft of the plan. The World Bank’s press release notes the Bank, “will regularly update its Board on the implementation of the Action Plan,” without providing further details of what aspects of the plan it will report on.

153 Organizations and Academics Call on World Bank to End Finance for Fossil Fuels

In a letter sent today, 153 organizations and academics across six continents called on the World Bank Group President David Malpass and WBG leadership to immediately adopt a whole-of-institution commitment to end all types of support for fossil fuels, including gas. The letter comes as the WBG prepares to publish its new Climate Change Action Plan.

Blog 16.02.21: Biden announces new climate change policy; will the World Bank follow by ending their fossil fuel financing?

Recently elected US President Joe Biden has promised action to combat climate change. On the first day of his presidency, he announced, ‘we’ve already waited too long to deal with this climate crisis’.

Blog 09.12.20 Five years of the Paris Agreement – time for the MDBs to increase action

Five years ago, negotiators were celebrating the adoption of the Paris Agreement. An agreement to unite global efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Today, the fight for these global efforts continues as we witness the impact of climate change on frontline communities and the importance of fighting for climate justice for those who have contributed least to this crisis but who are suffering some of the worst impacts.

Finance in Common: A missed opportunity for leadership and ambition on climate and energy

The Finance in Common Summit brought together over 420 public development banks (PDBs) including the multilateral development banks (MDBs) as well as regional and national development banks. Given the PDBs’ mandate for environmentally sustainable development, collaboration between these banks should have had the potential to catalyse investments and build momentum towards the achievement of the SDGs and the climate and biodiversity goals. 

Blog 5.11.20 Finance in Common – An opportunity for bold climate action

The Finance in Common Summit, next week, will be the first ever meeting of all 450 public development banks including the Multilateral Development Banks as well as regional and national development banks from across the globe. The summit takes place on the 11th and 12th November and is organised by the AFD (French Development Agency), with the backing of President Macron and UN Secretary General Gutteres.

Blog 26.10.20 World Bank Annual meetings - Bolder Action Needed.

The World Bank Annual meetings which took place virtually last week, saw calls from Big Shift Coalition members and many others for the bank to green its COVID-19 response, to stop funding fossil fuels and contribute to building the world we want.

Read on for an overview of Big Shift actions around the meetings and an overview of some of the outcomes.

Blog 19.10.20 Off target: World Bank’s fossil fuel addiction keeps energy poor countries in the dark

Nezir Sinani of Recourse (a member of the Big Shift Global campaign) writes about how the World Bank continues to prioritise fossil fuels and how it is failing to bring people out of fuel poverty in countries where Recourse and other Big Shift members have carried out research.

Blog 12.10.20 World Bank Annual Meetings - Investments in fossil fuels are not acceptable

The Big Shift campaign is urging the World Bank to take bold decisions during its 2020 Annual Meetings to ensure the spending of public money as part of the COVID recovery is not making the climate crisis worse but ensuring a green, sustainable just recovery for all. The choices made now will have an impact for years to come.

Blog 08.10.20 The EBRD has announced its new president – Congratulations to Odette Renaud-Basso!

Congratulations to Odette Renaud-Basso as the new president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the first woman to hold the permanent presidency of a major multilateral development bank.

With the start of this new presidency, members of the Big Shift Global Coalition have high expectations for the EBRD to become a truly green bank.

Blog 17.09.20 Who will be the next president of the EBRD? (And why Big Shift Global members care)

The decision about who will be the next candidate of the EBRD is due in October.

Whoever becomes president of the EBRD must lead the bank quickly and decisively to act on climate change and energy access for all.

There are three candidates in the running for the Presidency of the EBRD: Odile Renaud-Basso of France, Pier Carlo Padoan of Italy and Tadeusz Kościński of Poland. We want to hear from the candidates about how they will lead the bank on climate and energy access.

2 month countdown to Finance in Common summit

September marks two months until the Finance in Common Summit - the first ever meeting of all 450 public development banks. Development banks that hold $11.2 trillion in public assets. With huge amounts of public money being spent as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, decisions made now, including during the summit, about how to use these funds must include the acceleration of a sustainable, just recovery.

Blog 21.08.20: Climate Change Commitments and World Bank Group investments in Argentina: Are investments aligned with Climate change commitments?

The World Bank Group (WBG) recognizes climate change as a threat to global development that increases instability and contributes to poverty, fragility, and migration. In response to this challenge, in 2016 the WBG launched the Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), which established general objectives for 2020 to create policies that strengthen resilience to the impacts of the climate change and the promote decarbonization, while alleviating poverty.

African CSOs call for ambitious targets and increased investment in energy access by the World Bank Group

African CSOs, led by Big Shift Global member, ACSEA have sent a letter to the World Bank welcoming the Banks's new LEAP energy proposal but calling for more ambitious targets,  increased investment in energy access and greater consultation with those it will impact.  

Blog 24.06.20 The World Bank is Failing Nigeria on Climate Goals and Energy Access

Anna Östergren of SSNC and Nezir Sinani of Recourse have published a blog summarising the findings of their latest report, written with ACSEA, on the World Bank's energy and climate performance in Nigeria.

The MDBs and a Just, Paris-aligned Recovery - If you missed the Big Shift webinar catch up here!

A Paris-aligned and just recovery to Covid-19 by the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) is a vital part of the global response. On 28th May, members of  the Big Shift Global Coalition organised a webinar to discuss this further with 4 panellists: Bronwen Tucker, OCI; Dileimy Orozco, E3G; Augustine Njamnshi, ACSEA and Andrew Scott, ODI, moderated by Vibeka Mair of Responsible Investor.

Africa Day 2020 - An open letter calling on the AfDB to stop funding fossil fuels

Africa Day is on 25 May. Big Shift Global member, the African Climate Reality Project has a tradition of using this day to amplify the call for a fossil free, low-carbon, and climate resilient future for the continent.

They have published an open letter calling on the African Development Bank to stop funding fossil fuels and shift to 100% renewables.


U.S. Faith-Based Coalition Calls on World Bank to Take Climate Action in the Time of COVID

A coalition of faith-based organisations in the United States have launched a campaign  in support of Big Shift,  calling on the World Bank to end all support for fossil fuels and shift investment to renewable energy access in the time of COVID-19 and beyond.


Blog 13.05.20 - COVID-19 Recovery and Renewable Energy in Africa

Eugene N Nforngwa, Thematic Lead for Just Transition and Energy Access at the Pan-African Climate and Environmental Justice Alliance (PACJA) and Programmes Advisor at the Africa Coalition for Sustainable Energy and Access (ACSEA) presents why renewable energy and just recovery are vital in the Covid-19 recovery planning process in Africa

Blog 17.04.2020 - A Time to Change

Andrew Schwartz, Deputy Director at Center for Earth Ethics outlines how the response to the coronavirus crisis must increase resilience and minimise climate change by shifting funding from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

World Bank Directors urged to intervene in Guyana’s oil development over conflict of interest

Shortly before the World Bank holds its digital Spring Meeting, the NGO Urgewald and partner civil society organizations have sent a letter to Executive Directors to express concerns with the bank’s involvement in Guyana’s oil & gas development.

Blog: 14.04.2020 - Multilateral Development Banks must implement a sustainable recovery from Covid-19

The global response to the coronavirus crisis continues to gather pace and emergency responses supporting health services and economies are vital at this stage for many across the globe. Just like the Covid-19 crisis, the impacts of climate change will be felt more acutely by the poorest and most vulnerable people. It is vital that the stimulus packages supported by MDBs address this and respond to both crises.

MDBs fail to deliver on joint Paris Alignment promise at COP25

At COP25 in Madrid, Spain the nine multilateral development banks (MDBs) provided a public update on their joint commitment to Paris Alignment. Though the group of banks first committed to a process to align their financial flows with a 1.5°C pathway in 2017, yesterday's announcement provided few new details. 

Big Shift coalition open letter to the leaders of the MDBs

As COP25 in Madrid begins, the Big Shift coalition calls on the Multilateral Development Banks to align their finance with the 2015 Paris Agreement, increase their investments in renewable energy and stop financing fossil fuels and ensure they present a detailed approach and report on their progress. 

Civil Society Letter to World Bank group

Nearly 100 civil society organisations who are planning protests outside this year's World Bank Annual Meetings have written a letter to the World Bank President and Executive Directors calling for greater action on climate change.